Create a Headless Node for Topical Feeds

The idea is to have a node the serves up content feeds to many front-end apps but may not have any app itself. This will provide a simpler way for apps to design a delightful user experience for their community without have to build content models.
2 years ago
Purpose: Serve more relevant content to users. Better tailor feeds for the audiences of a niche community rather than providing them general content.

Details: There is no technical reason why the topics node could not have its own app too - just more about focus and scaling. This could be implemented by community devs without many changes to the core code but since the focus of a social blockchain should be content, it may make sense to provide a few more feed curation tools out of the box.

Precedents - DeSocialWorld already handles some of the content tags on their node but the focus is language. The idea of the headless node is to do something similar but for many topics.

Dependencies: DIP #206 add standard "tags" field to posts would be very helpful to have done first or as part of this work. 


  • searchclout hot feed is an example of this idea - available in cloutfeed and desocialworld

    language feeds on desocialworld also a great example

    topic feeds is the next one ☝️ 

    great suggestion
    2 years ago